Welcome to lanzul. It's a whimsical blend of my architectural education, travel escapades, and personal musings. Think of it as my digital playground where the walls of academia meet the open road, and where every experience is a brick in the house of life!

- Cheng Yu Lan / 藍史威
NCTU Graduate Institute of Architecture
2012國家工業技術研究院「創意狂想巢向未來」- 智慧綠建築競賽第一名 金獎
2011蔡萬霖先生紀念獎學金 - 勤學向上獎唯一建築所得主
2011交大建築所書卷獎 - 碩士年級成績第一
2011華視新聞大學報第1490期受訪 - 雷射製模作品
2009 美國 Leading edge competition 入圍
2009苗栗馬家庄貨櫃屋設計大賽 - 佳作
2004統一全球華人攝影比賽 - 佳作
Drop a note for any inquiry, suggestion or comment you may have!